The was a riot involving the arriving Qing Dynasty Beiyang Fleet soldiers. It is also called the Nagasaki―Qing Navy Incident (長崎清国水兵事件). ==Outline== In 1 August 1886 (Meiji 19), the Qing Dynasty's navy called the Beiyang Fleet, the four warships, the ''Dingyuan'' (定遠), the ''Zhenyuan'' (鎮遠), the ''Jiyuan'' (濟遠), and ''Weiyuan'' (威遠), entered the Nagasaki harbor port on the pretense of "military repairs". At that time, China (Qing Dynasty) was much stronger than Japan.〔JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.B07090388600、帝国造船所二於テ外国船艦修理方請願雑件第3巻「清国軍艦長崎ニ来航修繕スル様李鴻章ヘ勧告ノ儀ニ付在天津領事ヨリ申出ノ件」(外務省外交史料館)。事件の翌年、1887 8月、波多賀承五郎 天津 領事 が 井上馨 外務大臣に問い合わせた「機密第六号」のなかにつぎの文言がある。「先年修繕ノ為メ長崎ニ軍艦ヲ発遣シタルニ不図モ意外ノ葛藤ヲ生シタルニ付再ヒ長崎ニ軍艦ヲ派スルコトハ支那官吏ノ決シテ為サザル所ニ有之」。〕 The Dingyuan was a heavier ship than the heaviest Japanese cruisers. In addition, Japan had suffered a setback during the Gapsin Coup in which 400 Japanese soldiers were defeated by 2000 Qing soldiers. On August 13, 500 Chinese troops began to land. . Nagasaki Prefecture Police Department tried to stop this. As a result, the policemen and Chinese soldiers began to fight hand-to-hand in sword battles within the city. There were at least 80 deaths on both sides, and the soldiers were arrested. They used swords purchased from stores.〔『伊藤博文 文書 第34巻 秘書類纂 長崎港清艦水兵喧闘事件』所収、明治19年8月15日付・ 司法大臣 山田顕義 宛長崎 控訴院 検事長 林誠一発「長崎事件第三報」(53~58頁)のうち、55頁に「携フ所ノ日本刀(此刀ハ古道具屋ヨリ買取所持シ居タルモノナラン)」とある。〕 As a result, a sense of unrest thus pervaded. On August 14, at a conference between the governor of Nagasaki prefecture, Kusaka Yoshio, and the Qing consulate Xuan Cai, the Qing navy prohibited its soldiers from going on land as a group, and agreed that when soldiers are on leave, they would be overseen by an officer. On August 15 at around 1 PM about 300 Chinese troops went ashore, violating the agreement. Some were armed with clubs. Several Chinese urinated on a Kōban (交番 kōban), police box. Some Chinese sailors attacked three police officers, resulting in one death.〔Grounds of Judgment: Extraterritoriality and Imperial Power in Nineteenth Century P135〕 A driver of a rickshaw (jinrikisha) who saw this was indignant about this, and tried to punch a Chinese sailor with his fist. In response, the Chinese sailors began a riot. Thus, another big incident began as the policemen who came to stop this and the Chinese sailors once again began fighting, with various casualties (On the Qing side, 1 officer died and 3 were injured, and 3 soldiers died and at least 50 were injured. On the Japanese side, 3 police officers were injured, 2 constables died, and 16 were injured. Several tens of Japanese civilians were also injured). 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Nagasaki incident」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク